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Creative HQ Notion Template

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Creative HQ Notion Template


Full control over your creative projects!

A template that helps you organize all your creative ideas and projects.

What do you get?

You get a ready to use template where you can develop large projects, track and schedule your content, quickly write down new ideas for later, and a simple, editable portfolio for you to showcase the work that makes you proud!

How do you use it?

👀Main Page: On this page you can find your main pages menu style. You also have three buttons: the first one creates a new project within the Project Manager; the second one adds a new content idea within the Content Calendar page, which you can schedule right away or not; and the third one let's you add quick ideas to your Idea Journal. Button colors match their respective page, read more about each page below. After these, you have a simple phrase (which you can edit to your convenience). I decided to write "Make things happen!" for motivation.
On the lower part of the page you can also find the Mood Board. Here you can add any images, texts, files, etc. that inspire you in some way without them having to be your own idea. I find this useful to keep track of things I know might give me something to work with later on, could spark some ideas for content or larger projects.

📥Project Manager: On the top you get links to the Content Calendar and Idea Journal pages. Quick navigation is key.
On the Platforms section you can add whatever social network, webpage, or project you work on. I've added some of my favorites to make life easier for you as a creative. Theres no need to edit them once added, but I encourage you to make this template your own.
On Projects yo can add specific, you guessed it, projects, and assign them to any of the Platforms you have available. Each project will show their title, dates, progress, and how many tasks you have for each one. All of this is fully automated so you only have to worry about developing your ideas, writing down your tasks, and getting to work. As you complete the tasks related to each project, the progress bar and completed tasks will update so you can quickly know how far you are.
When you create a new project on the main page, it'll be right here.
You can also fin a button called New Project Task so you can start adding and assigning new tasks for any project created.
Once you edit the project dates you can find them below on the Timeline section, set to view monthly so you can be ready for any other projects that overlap and quickly know what the deadlines are.
Under the Timeline you can find a linked view of you Content Calendar set to a weekly view. This helps you catch a glimpse of any other content you might have planned for the coming days and organize accordingly.
Lastly, the Tasks section, is just a database for all tasks you add for all projects. Once you change their status to "done", they'll disappear from the table and update your project.

📆Content Calendar: The inspiration for the whole Creative HQ Template. It includes template presets for the most popular socials like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Twitter. All of them with simple prompts or sections you can work on when developing the content further.
On the calendar view, you can see how your month in content looks, empty spaces you can fill up, and what kind of content you are working on, or published.
The By Status view is a table in which you can see all content by "Idea", "Recording", "Editing", "Scheduled", or "Published". If you do not select a status, your content ideas will be listed under "No Status". These last two are hidden so they don't take up space and allow you to focus, so make sure to tag everything you want to work on, or you've already started.
The Published view is a simple list of all the content you've published in case you want to go back and consult it.
The button on the main page will create a new content idea you can name, give a status, and select a template for. I recommend setting your most used platform as the default template, but if you want to have the option to choose every time just leave it as is.

💡Idea Journal: Not every idea has to be perfect from the start, so that's where the Idea Journal come sin handy.
Add any simple idea as text. Write a quick prompt on the page if there's any specifics you might want to remember. Once you know exactly what you want to do with the idea take it to the Project Manager, or your Content Calendar.
On each idea you can see some extra info: tags will let you know if the idea has a general purpose and if you want to develop a single piece of content, or a full project; you can also tag as "Used" or "Not Used" so you know if you've used the idea before; and the date of creation.
I recommend writing down each and every idea you get just so you don't miss a chance on any of them, not every idea will become something, but you never know.
The Not Used view simply lets you consult on all ideas available.

😎Portfolio: Showcase what makes you proud!
Every creative needs this in some shape or form, so this is a simple, editable portfolio for you to add any projects or content that you want to share with other creatives, or for business opportunities that might come your way. Add or delete any specifics.
You get space to link to your main webpage, and your Twitter and Instagram accounts. An "about" section, a place for the specific projects you want to feature with some available tags, a section for client or collaborator testimonials, and a copyright message.

IMPORTANT: Once you access the link, click on "Duplicate" on the top right corner so you can add it to your Notion.

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Learn more: Charlie's Notion Site

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A template that helps you organize all your creative ideas and projects.

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